Archive for November, 2009

Jib Rail at UBC


Snowboarder at makeshift terrain park

Stayed up fairly late last night struggling with my game theory assignment to not much avail. An egg rolled off the table and went splat on the floor while making crepes this morning – eww! Went to the library after first class and talked about photography for a decent amount of time with someone I met there who was also into photography. I learned a few things that I’ll definitely start to think about while shooting from now on.

Packed some stuff to head up to Elfin Lakes this weekend, and I’m planning on meeting Tyler tomorrow morning. So if things go accoding to plan, there won’t be a photo tomorrow as I’ll be up in the mountains. I’ll make up for it with two on Sunday!

Broken Egg

Eggs roll!

Studying game theory with Rocky


The Eatery on Broadway at Waterloo

A quiet day at school, follwed by heading to Grounds for Coffee with Rocky to try to make sense of our game theory assignment. We got kicked out at 6pm and had to head to Macdonalds (open till midnight). We tried another coffee shop along the way, but weren’t allowed to stay without buying anything. They were much more leniant at Macdonalds.

The assignment is quite mind boggling. Due on monday, I’m unsure of how it’ll turn out.

Tyler’s back in town


Interesting seating in Lasserre by the “sitting circle thing”

Saw Tyler this morning which was very exciting. I gave him the grand tour of UBC which was basically going to all my classes today. Game theory, macroeconomics, spanish, monetary economics, and a microeconomics tutorial – quite the day! We met up with a friend of his briefly at Lasserre, a fine arts building I’d never been to before. Following that we headed downtown to Kam’s place with Katie for lettuce wraps, ginger beef, and fried rice. Good, cheap, food as always. I came away satisfied with a wallet not too much lighter.

November 3, 2009


View from 10th floor of Buchanon Tower (Economics Floor)

Another amazing Peter’s class this morning. It’s like I’m learning basic microeconomics all over again but from a very broad perspective. As little as possible is assumed we make factual statements based on observed behaviour. This is in contrast to a typical microeconomics course, where a model is forced in at the beginning and we are told to believe blindly and not ask questions. Peter’s is more mathematical, while  being more general. Today was an introduction to markets. (Though we assumed markets to not exist. All that was shown was that given two individuals, each with a unique amount of two goods, there almost always exists benefits from trade between them.)

It was another Siegel’s day today, and I got 10 everything bagels and 2 rosemary and rocksalt. My goal is for the dozen to last me two weeks. We’ll see.

It’s November!


View from 7th floor of Koerner Library

Two midterms were set today for Friday 13th – Game theory and macroeconomics, that’ll be a fun day. But in all fairness, it turns out Remembrance day is a stat holiday in BC (unlike Ontario), so no class!

I looked for a window seat in Koerner today to no avail. I went to my usual spot underground, it’s not so scenic there. I think I could manage to get used to studying by a window on 6th floor though. The view is very nice.

Leftovers for dinner. The pasta sauce was a bit spicy for my liking. Next time I’ll put less than 2 chilis and a 1/4 tsp of chili powder.

Metrotown sushi and East is East


California rolls and prawn sushi at a metrotown AYCE sushi restaurant

Woke up and used the new crepe adjustment of more milk to flour. This time I think the ratio was too high because they were very hard to flip as they tore very very easily. A spatula was necessary and even so, quite  afew of them ripped in places as they were so fragile. I’m still improving them over time. Practice makes perfect!

I’ve been wanting to go to the all you can eat sushi place in Metrotown for a while now with the conveyor belt that brings sushi right to you. I got there and was distraught to see that the place was under new ownership! More expensive and the conveyor belt was gone. Instead it was like usual, where they give you sheets to fill out your order and they serve you the food. Not nearly as fun! The new place is called Kawawa and was $12.95 when we went, although it changes based on time of day and weekend vs weekday.

Went to East is East with Mum and Annie for dinner (second meal out of the day – quite the rare occurance indeed.) I’ve walked and bussed past it quite a few times, but had never been in before so wanted to try it out. Slightly on the pricey side at $17 an entree, but they give free refills on your food order and free chai tea (very strong I might add. The waitress said that it was Roibos tea with cardamom, cinnamon, and lots of ginger. The ginger is supposedly what gives it the “burning” sensation when drunk.) It had an interesting atmosphere with very low back-less seating, small decorated cushions, very dim lighting and a couple Afghan-looking instrumentalists later on in the evening. It was a nice meal.