
Sliced Potato

Using the apple-peeler-corer-slicer on potatos

Baked potatos in the oven today, layered with cheese that had been sliced into rings using the apple-peeler-corer-slicer. They were quite excellent.

I went to the trip meeting yesterday for heading up to Squamish this weekend for the Wilderness Survival VOC trip, but I bailed mainly cause of the rain. I’m planning on going for Dim Sum with some people from my economics class tomorrow.

Stephos for the second time ever tonight. I had the lamb souvlaki and it was pretty good. The lamb was a tad on the chewy side so I might decide on chicken next time. Also, the only difference between the small and large portions is an extra skewer of lamb, so I’ll probably get the small and save $3 next time. Definitely a worthwile restaurant to visit despite the 30-40 minute wait.


Lamb Souvlaki at Stephos

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