Garabaldi with Dad

As the last few days of summer are coming to an end, I figured one last trip before school was needed. Dad and I decided to try Garabaldi

Set off from the Elfin Lakes parking lot at 9:00am – first time taking Dad’s new Yaris on an unpaved road.


Made it to Elfin Lakes in 2h30m. Took a few pictures, ate some lunch, and departed towards our campsite.


We saw signs that said that the bridge over Ring Creek had just been repaired – lucky us! It was also a good place to fill up, as all water after this was pretty silty.


We started searching for a campsite as we got higher on the glacier and found a perfect spot at the base of Tent Peak. There was a stream running under some loose rocks, which I cleared away to make a mini waterfall for filling up. Dad siesta’d and I got to work making a bench by my tent door.

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Then sunset and bed. Dad was cold with his summer thermarest and summer sleeping bag. I had my winter bag with a nalgene filled with a litre of just boiled water so I was set.


Quickly got ready in the morning, geared up, and set off to navigate the glacier. We made it to the Garabaldi Col with no problems at all.

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Got to the base of Garabaldi, where it turns from glacier into rock. Dad went up first while I took off my crampons. I started up, but quickly got freaked out. The rock is very loose and holds that looked firm would pull right out. Seeing hold after hold slip and fall away I psyched myself out. I slowly downclimbed and decided to do Dalton Dome instead. Pretty disappointed, but I’ll be back to try again.

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Got back down from Dalton Dome when Dad got down from Garabaldi. He decided he wanted to do Dalton Dome as well, so I waited on the col while he summitted.


Back at Elfin Lakes by 3:00pm, back to the car, then headed to Squamish for fish and chips and  a beer.


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